Day 8 – Last Wednesday…

…again PK woke up at around 6.00 AM and complained about pain. He took his usual painkillers and waited for the pain to subside. After about 45 minutes, the pain instead of reducing, kept on increasing. Again he couldn’t stand, he couldn’t lie down, he couldn’t walk, he took another dose of painkillers but still the pain wouldn’t go away. Meanwhile I showered and got ready for work thinking as like before his pain will subside. It was almost couple of hours and pain had increased a lot. So, we took him to the emergency, informed my and his work that we won’t be able to come in. He was okay in the car but as soon as we reached the hospital, he again started crying and this time it was very bitter cry.

The nurse took him in immediately unlike before when I had to scream my lungs out to call the doctor. While the nurse was checking his blood pressure, PK started bawling in pain, his eyes had gone all red, he was requesting the nurse to give him something immediately. He was given painkillers and 3 doses of morphine injections, that’s when the pain subsided and he felt asleep. We were then moved to short stay unit and they were monitoring PK that whole day. Every time they asked PK how much was pain out of ten, he would say 4 or 5. Finally late evening he said his pain was now 2 out of 10 and that’s when they asked us to go home and rest. He has CT Kub next week Monday and Urologist appointment after that. I am praying his stone comes out naturally before that.

This morning as well he felt the pain again but the painkiller worked and he is at work now. I am not able to concentrate on my work today, after every few minutes I think of him and text him to check if he is alright. As I am typing this, he just sent me text saying he is going home as he is not feeling too well.

I have few topics to write on during this blogathon, in fact I have made a small list on my notes but current situation at my home is not helping in posting every day. I will try to finish 31 posts this month but cannot promise if I will be able to post every day.

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17 Responses to Day 8 – Last Wednesday…

  1. greenboochi says:

    TP.. I can totally understand what you and PK must have gone through. My mom had the same 1.5yrs back. As the stone didnt pass naturally, we had to surgically remove it. The pain one experiences during this time is almost 4times to the delivery pain – I have heard from the doctors.

  2. Kidney stone pain is one of the worst pains :(.

  3. Anusha says:

    IF you can find banana stem in Australia then try making a juice out of it. Look for the recipe online and give it to him everyday first thing in the morning. The stone should come out. Once its come out you can continue to give the juice atleast thrice a week.

  4. Visha says:

    Oh dear, hope he becomes allright soon!

  5. Deboshree says:

    It will soon be fine. Take care. 🙂

  6. Jennifer says:

    Oh thts bad take care dear

  7. anisnest says:

    hugs TP.. he will be fine very soon.. stay strong.. take care

  8. Oh no. Hope he passes the stone out soon. Take care of him and yourself. Have heard this is the closest men get to experiencing child birth, poor PK.

  9. Seema says:

    Hey, don’t worry about the blogathon. Will hope and pray PK gets well soon dear.

  10. aarya says:

    Hope everything turns well for PK. You guys take care..and TP don’t stress over this challenge. While I would love to read from you everyday, your health is more important. And ‘aise time mien stress nahi lete na’-imagine one of your older aunties telling you this 🙂

  11. Bikramjit says:

    I think posts can wait..

    how is PK doing now .. what did the docs say .. he had his appointment monday

    take care …

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