Dus baatein :-)

1) PK has invented 2 new types of kisses. Pea kiss and Potato kiss. Pea kiss – small, quick 1 second kiss, when you are in hurry or when there are people around you. Potato kiss – loud, long kiss when no one is around and you just feel like kissing your loved one. By the way both kisses are on cheek and not where your dirty mind is thinking 😛 😛

2) I am on detox today. No, not on body cleansing detox diet but brain cleansing detox diet because I forgot to bring my headphones with me today. As like every day, I downloaded so many cooking, beauty, daily life vlog videos to watch on train but without my headphones I would not be able to watch them. Hence, nothing to do on train today. This is what I call brain detox – Giving my eyes & brain rest from watching videos.

3) My sister’s passport finally arrived yesterday and I cannot tell you how happy I am. Still my brother’s passport is going through some weird Indian court processes, I hope & pray, we get his passport as well soon so that I can start their visa process.

4) I have booked my driver’s learner test on this Monday. Eeeks.. so nervous.

5) Every time I see PK’s profile pic when I check his emails(yes, I check his emails), I fall in love with him again & again. The picture is the one that I saw PK for the first time in and I agreed to meet him face to face. He looks so cute, so masoom in that picture. I told him the same yesterday when we were driving back home.

6) We bought pizzas yesterday from Dominos for our dinner. After maybe 4 months of pizza break. Dominos pizzas are my favourite. I start eating it as soon as I sit in the car with pizza box in my lap. Can’t control. But same is not with PK. Whenever I tell PK that I feel like eating pizza, he’s like – “I can eat any pizza but dominos ” He prefers woodfired ones!! Oh well!!

7) There are 2 ice-cream shops on my to-try list right now. 1) Nitrogen ice-cream. 2) Custom made Magnum Bar. I have to tick them off my list ASAP. You don’t know how urgent this is for me 😛

8) You all know my love for Pani-Puri. You can see it on my blog, in my blog name and even in my profile picture. But you don’t know about my love for limes. Yes. Limes only, not lemons. From as far as I remember, I have spent my summer afternoons sitting in my balcony in India eating lime wedges with salt. I can eat whole lime with juice & flesh and give you only skin of lime to use in cooking as lime zest!! Now a days PK is trying his best to not let me eat lime and I find sneaky ways to eat it. Like when lights are off at night, I walk to the kitchen saying I need water but instead I open the fridge, lick the lime wedge with salt & go back to the room. When PK is busy watching TV, I quickly take lime from dinner table, lick it & keep it back on the table. Since few days I am feeling scared, is lime not good to eat?? Are there any possible side-effects of eating lime? I don’t eat it every day but mostly 3-4 times a week.

9) I am so excited for today’s episode of The Bachelor Australia. This is the one and only Aussie TV show that I follow, apart from Better homes & gardens that I watch because PK forces me to.

10) Bringing lunch from home has become difficult now a days and I am feeling so bad about this. Eating out every day is like adding unnecessary expense and not good for our health as well. There are not many nice places to eat near both our work places. Like since last Friday PK has been eating burger everyday for lunch and it is breaking my heart 😦 Every day I make up my mind that I will prepare something tonight that we can bring for lunch as well. But by the time we reach home in evening, we feel so tired, we just cook quick dinner like sandwich or uttappa or something so that we get some relaxing time before going to sleep. When we cook nice, elaborate dinners that we can bring with us for lunch as well next day, we feel more tired and we go to sleep without even relaxing, without even having any “we” time.  Evening routine becomes like –  rush from work to home, cook dinner, prepare lunch for next day, eat, clean and sleep. Where is some quiet, relaxing time for us?? And then next day morning we wake up tired!! I really have to change this & start some smart cooking which can save us some time and yet we are able to bring lunch everyday.

Ok bye for now 🙂

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45 Responses to Dus baatein :-)

  1. Trish says:

    Love this post!!! It’s got such a happy ring to it:)
    How about bulk cooking on the weekend? Or Semi-cooking??

    • That is a nice idea Trish.
      I also think sometimes that I will prepare gravy in bulk & refrigerate it to use during the week. Or chop & prep veggies & store them but rarely get chance to do so over the weekends 😦 And sometimes, even if I prepare something in bulk, we end up not eating it during the week because we feel like eating something else 😦 😦

      • Trish says:

        Oh yes that happens with us too.. The other thing that comes in handy on the days I work is the slow cooker .. You’ll be amazed what all you can cook in a slow cooker n the best part is just chuck everything in and relax. Things like rice/pasta can be done in 2 hrs. Meat etc I start in the morning and when we come home,dinner is ready 😛

      • Yep, I have read about slow cooker dishes on your blog Trish, now you are really motivating me to buy one 😛 🙂
        I have even heard about cooking rajma, beans, rice-kheer in slow cooker.. yummm!!!
        Is it safe to leave the slow cooker on & leave the home locked whole day?? Just worried..

      • Trish says:

        Yes absolutely safe to leave it on all day.. And it takes less power too. I cook Rajma/chole/pulav/fried rice/Aloo gobhi/pasta/chicken dishes everything in it. It’s a good investment.

      • OMG.. so many dishes Trish. Thank you so much for this awesome idea. I will surely bug PK to go to westfield this weekend for slo-cooker shopping 🙂
        One last question – Is it different than rice-cooker? Which brand do you have? I will buy the same rather than researching 🙂

      • Trish says:

        I have Sunbeam with a ceramic pot (4L) My friend has Kambrook teflon coated pot n that’s good too. See whichever you get a good deal on 🙂 just avoid the Kmart one. It’s $20 but I know lots of people who have had issues with them. We are on a self-imposed budget -spent too much on eatouts last month ..so this helps 😊 if u have anymore q’s ask away .. On email if you like so we don’t clutter your blog 😁

      • ohhhh okay.. got it. Thank you.
        Don’t worry, many other girls will be able to read your helpful advise here Trish 🙂

      • Trish says:

        I am glad to help:) there is a Facebook group ‘Slowcooker Recipes for families’ you will never be short of recipes there 😉

      • Trish says:

        Yes I think rice cooker has limited functions right? I m not sure.

      • I used to have rice cooker before but its lid broke when we were moving so we threw that away.
        We just used to cook rice in it. Dint knew any other functions of that cooker 🙂

      • Trish says:

        Yeah we had one ages ago n just cooked rice in it.. 🙂

    • vaidehi says:

      Hello Trish and sorry I dont know your name,
      Thanks for sharing your views about slow cooker.I saw it in may be Big W the other day and was thinking to buy it.Now I need to look for the recipes particularly for Rajma.,chickpeas as my hubby loves it.

      • Trish says:

        Hey Vaidehi 🙂 nice to hear from you 🙂
        I am Trishna or Trish,whatever you like 🙂
        As for Rajma and Chickpea,I just cook them like I would in a pressure cooker,only I bring the beans to a boil for 25-30 mins before putting it in the slow cooker and then cook on low for 4-6 hours.

  2. smdeea11 says:

    I want kisses, pizza, ice cream and pani puri right now! I think I should call PIC.
    Btw, TP all your posts make me hungry!

  3. Pattu says:

    1) kisses…yes I tought lips… hehehhee
    2) sometimes eyes & brain need rest pa..
    3 & 4) congrats ! 🙂
    5) I do admire my beloved like u… remembering some old cute pics…
    6) I had Dominos last night too …yeah ‘high 5’
    7) pls do try ice cream asap..coz im a ice cream lover too… and won’t wait for it..just grab and eat it. hahaha
    8) Lime??? OMG! can’t accept the sourness … how you lick it … GOsh… not good for health.. pls do reduce it from 3-4 times to 3-2 times…. 🙂
    9) ‘no idea’ :p
    10) Good idea for preparing lunch rather eating outside food everyday…

    Good Luck !!! 🙂

  4. Divya Deepak says:

    Hi TP, Nice recipes in the previous post.. I have to try the chilli corn toast. As far as I know there is no harm in having limes. In fact I’ve read that juice of one lime everyday is good for health. I also squeeze limes over my salad for dinner everyday.. only thing that makes broccoli palatable!

  5. Visha says:

    Dus baatein..nice title 😀
    Pea kiss, potato kiss…hmm…wondering how will be a watermelon kiss 😈
    There is a Pinterest board somewhere which has tips for freezer stashing. for eg, whenever you have time, esp during weekends, you can make the gravy bases and boil veggies and freeze them. So during busy mornings, you have all the time consuming stuff ready.

    • Thinking of title name is harder than typing out whole post 🙂
      you try watermelon kiss on Zack & let me know 😛 😛 😛
      Oh yes, I do that sometimes, specially with gravy wali sabjis. I freeze them & use it with fresh rice when I am in no mood to cook sabji 🙂

  6. Super cute, TPL! Bachelor Australia hehe.. used to watch the US version but gave up after years as none of them stay together after the show:( such a disappointment after we watch for weeks

    • ya true but the format of the show is so entertaining looking at girls fighting for a guy.. hehehe
      And then this guy planning amazing dates for each girl. I know it’s all scripted but I watch it just for fun 🙂

  7. TI know exactly what you mean by No 10 and it is hard to on top of it.o make lunch easy, make lunch for two days at one time and it should give you every other day rest. Take care.

  8. Jab se I am on restricted diet, your every post mentions food :(. Once I am off it I will revisit this space and eat my heart out :). Btw did I miss something? PK got job? Is he liking it? Big wala congrats if yes 🙂

  9. vaidehi says:

    Same pinch.We bought pizza last night for dinner and I love Dominos.You really made me smile by reading this post. Panipuri I am already drooling.

  10. It’s such a feel good post to read this Sunday. It keeps one light and make smile.

  11. 1. I imagined little too dirty just because you said that way.
    2. You do need some days like that 🙂
    3. I know that feeling, its going to be so much fun when they visit you.
    4. I hope your DL test went good. Good luck!
    5. Aww you are so sweet.
    6. I used to eat lot of Pizaa but these days I prefer burger and quesadillas over Pizza. I think its just a phase may be.
    7. OMG you reminded me of ice cream and I am craving one right now.
    8. That’s interesting to know. I know lime with warm water in empty stomach is good for weight loss.
    9. I used to watch the US version, but it was too much to watch when Chucky is around, they have initiate scenes from their dates and so on. I have not watched it anytime recently.
    10. I am not cooking lunch either, rather in the last 2 years I have gotten so used to eat out with friends or pick something for myself. Don’t worry about money, after all food is something which is essential. Well that’s what I keep telling myself to come out of the guilt.

    I am visiting your blog after so many days. Feels good to catch up.

    • 6. Sometimes i too have phases for food but pizza is all time favourite 🙂
      9. yep, I know what you mean girl 😉
      10. Nice thinking 🙂

      I know yaa, its been a while. You have been so busy with all moving & settling down but I am glad its all done now. I have a news to share with everyone but since we are catching up after so long, I will tell you first – Yes, I cleared the test & got learners. Finally I can apply for full license now. yippee..

  12. Pingback: NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2014 Nominations Announced | nepaliaustralian

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